This podcast is recorded on a Mac using Audio Hijack Pro. Subscribe to the Mac Geek Gab in iTunes! - Show Details - Write a review!Į-mail John and Dave (even an audio comment, if you please!), post in the comments below, Skype your message to "macgeekgab", or call and leave a voice-mail at 206-666-GEEK!.Podcast-related sites to visit (and vote for us!): You can't get better sound for your iPod or iTunes! Sponsor: Audio Engine: Audioengine A5 and A2 - Real speakers designed for portable audio players that deliver astonishing sound (and don't cost a fortune). Use coupon code MGG153 at checkout to save an additional 10%. Sponsor: Today: Use Second Gear's Today to see all your events and tasks for the current day in a single window. John and Dave are fresh back from a virtual trip to Chicago, and now coming to you with tips about cleaning your Mac, listener answers to previous questions, and some new topics for everyone to chew on, including a Geek Challenge! Show notes for Mac Geek Gab Podcast For May 19, 2008 Listen Now: Download: or (AAC coming shortly courtesy of Michael Johnston of iPhoneAlley) Podcast - Mac Geek Gab #153: Cleaning Your Mac, Listener Tips, and Questions Galoreīy Dave Hamilton & John F.