However, many computers host many domains so the host name may be one of the domain names hosted or it could be something totally different. Usually this will be the same as the domain name. The process of finding the host name from an IP address involves sending a message to the IP address and requesting the computer located at that IP address to return its name. Updated: 24 October 2022Īll or part of the information on this site may be quoted and reproduced by disclosing the source properly (making a link to the Myip.The Get Host by IP or Convert IP to Host was created to help with finding the Host Name. To share this Review on your website/blog simply copy the following html code below and place it in your web page - Myip.ms - Commentsvar disqus_shortname = 'myip' var disqus_title = 'Myip.ms' var disqus_url = '' (function() )() Please enable JavaScript to view the comments on Myip.ms powered by Disqus.

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